Showing posts with label autism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label autism. Show all posts

Sunday 22 January 2012

It's not about the weight

For years I've been making excuses about my weight.  I have PCOS; I'm too busy to exercise; my life is stressful, I need this chocolate.  You know the kind of thing.
But now, it's not about the weight.  Not really.
Now, it's about being healthy.  Living a long and happy life.  Watching my children grow up.
Although the Skipper's heart failure was not lifestyle related (he caught a virus which attacked his heart), it has still been a mighty loud wake-up call.  Our lifestyle has not been great.  I do no exercise, apart from chasing Gilligan.  And even that has given me asthma attacks when he's run too far, too fast.  Oh, and should I mention that I can't keep up with him.  Not great when you have a child with autism who is an ingenious escape artist and a sensory seeking runner!
As for diet, well, it could be worse, but it could be an awful lot better.  We eat well, but we eat way too much. Our portion sizes are huge.  We routinely eat chocolate at night.  We have takeaway too often.

Things are changing round here, folks.

The Skipper has had changes enforced upon him by virtue of rehab after seven weeks in a coma, eleven weeks in ICU and (so far) four and a half months in hospital.  He exercises every day.  He has to, they don't call them Physio-terrorists for nothing!  But he has noticed a change.  He feels more alert, more energised, on the days he exercises.  Hearing him say that was the biggest wake-up call I could ever have.  Because this was my partner in crime.  If he could start to feel that way about exercise, then maybe, just maybe, I could too.
So I bought a treadmill.  I've been using it.  I don't hate it.
And on Thursday I will start at Weight Watchers.

But this time it's different.

This time it's not about the weight.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Oh No, it's the Cops!!

A few days ago, Gilligan and I went to the park to play with our new Christmas presents.  
He has recently learnt to ride a trike, so I was excited to find a large one at the shops.  Like a lot of children with autism, Gilligan doesn't have great balance.  He's brilliant on his feet - an expert climber and jumper, but not so good on a bike.  So learning to pedal was a huge achievement for him.

As for me?  My Christmas present to myself, courtesy of a voucher my lovely siblings gave me in honour of the rubbish year I've had, was a bright red (yes, the colour is important) Olympus Pen Camera.

Sadly, I have no idea how to use it.

Over the course of the last few months while The Skipper has been so ill, it's been a huge regret that I hardly ever take photos.  So, my only New Year's Resolution is this.  
I will take more photos.

And I might even learn how to use my sexy new camera!
Nee-nah nee-nah

It's thirsty work, this trike-riding business!

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Keep Calm and Set Sail

First of all, welcome to my new blog.  You might remember me from such blogs as "Keep Calm and Carry On", and...oh, wait, that's the only one.  Never mind.

So why the new blog, and the new title?

Well, since I came up with the breathtakingly original title, ("Keep Calm and Carry On" - pay attention, would you!) it has gone viral.  That slogan is everywhere!  From posters, to coffee mugs, to diaries, to calendars - I'm over it, and I'm sure you are too. I'm quietly proud  to be a Leader Of Fashion, but it's time for a change.  

So where am I heading with this blog?  Like KCACO, it'll be a record of my family and our crazy, busy lives.     Perhaps I should take the time to introduce us all.  I'm Millie, the mum.  My husband, known here as The Skipper, is an amazing man who is currently in hospital waiting for a heart transplant.  More on that later.  Our twelve year old daughter,Ginger, is about to start high school, and our four year old son, Gilligan, is doing brilliantly at his autism-specific pre-school.  I'm trying to keep us all together and not lose my mind in the process.  Hence the resumption of the blog.

So please, fasten your lifejackets, pop your sea-legs on, pour yourself a drink (the sun is always over the yardarm on board my Ship of Fools) and enjoy the ride.