Tuesday 3 January 2012

Keep Calm and Set Sail

First of all, welcome to my new blog.  You might remember me from such blogs as "Keep Calm and Carry On", and...oh, wait, that's the only one.  Never mind.

So why the new blog, and the new title?

Well, since I came up with the breathtakingly original title, ("Keep Calm and Carry On" - pay attention, would you!) it has gone viral.  That slogan is everywhere!  From posters, to coffee mugs, to diaries, to calendars - I'm over it, and I'm sure you are too. I'm quietly proud  to be a Leader Of Fashion, but it's time for a change.  

So where am I heading with this blog?  Like KCACO, it'll be a record of my family and our crazy, busy lives.     Perhaps I should take the time to introduce us all.  I'm Millie, the mum.  My husband, known here as The Skipper, is an amazing man who is currently in hospital waiting for a heart transplant.  More on that later.  Our twelve year old daughter,Ginger, is about to start high school, and our four year old son, Gilligan, is doing brilliantly at his autism-specific pre-school.  I'm trying to keep us all together and not lose my mind in the process.  Hence the resumption of the blog.

So please, fasten your lifejackets, pop your sea-legs on, pour yourself a drink (the sun is always over the yardarm on board my Ship of Fools) and enjoy the ride.

1 comment:

  1. I am excited about your new blog! How cool. And I think I'll always think of your little boy as "bear". LOL! :)
